Syv Bruzeau
Befriend Your Body
Going from rejection to acceptance of my body was a huge part of my self healing. It was an extraordinary journey of honesty, love and forgiveness.
The body is your ally and unwavering support,
your best medicine,
- not your enemy.
Befriending your physical, emotional and mental body will shift your whole perspective on your purpose, on your relationships, and your environment.
And bring forth true aliveness, peace, and empowerment.
Befriending your body means befriending Life.
Befriend Your Body 1.0
Befriend Life
Self-Study Evolution
Most of you were not taught to engage a true relationship with your body.
Today's society still lives mostly in the illusion of the perfect body.
In the illusion of ‘the perfect life’.
From this illusion, you may become disappointed, angry, anxious, anorexic, when your body and life don’t match the expectations, the distorted realities of magazines and social media. Even unconsciously, there is often a little voice whispering unworthiness to your ears.
It is time to stop this self-sabotage.
Time to look, feel, sense, listen, dive into your body. Time to befriend your body.
I know from experience how much the body holds deep wisdom and knowledge.
Your body is the doorway to your Truth & your soul.
Through your body, you access memories, forgotten events, your innate knowledge and wisdom.
Your body never lies.
It is time to befriend your body.
Then your human experience takes a whole new level.
More expansive, joyful, abundant, meaningful.
This has been my healing process, and is now my evolution process:
Starting from the body,
I access wisdom which I bring back
and integrate in my daily life.
I am sharing this process with you in this masterclass.
Your body is always ready to give you answers. Your mind will support it, your heart and soul will integrate.
"My Body, I love you"
Time to declare your love to your Body
What you get in this Masterclass:
Two Pre-recorded Videos
These videos give you some starting point for reflection and focus. We also dive straight into the body wisdom using guided movement practices.
Movements Through Body Storytelling
This is an invitation to leave the mental and quiet the mind. Transformation happens first in the body. Body Storytelling is about letting the body lead the way, letting the body show the mind your truth.
The movement explorations (done in the video) help you access your body~soul voice and wisdom, so that you can set deeper in your transformation.
Two Contemplation Workbooks
An additional tool to help you receive answers, insights and clarity.
An Integration
I have specifically built integration time into my programs, gifting you the space to benefit from the insights and clarity received during the contemplation or embodied exploration. There is little point having this new awareness if you do not integrate and embody it.
This is where you see and feel the shifts in your life!
A Ritual
Simplicity, consistency and pleasure are keys to create new pathways in the brain and bring change. Therefore I created a simple yet powerful ritual that will add personal and sacred value to this experience.
So you can ensure to maintain transformation and reflection once this exploration has ended.
A transformative exploration
to bring more awareness in your mind
to hear the wisdom of your body
to shine your Greatness
happens first in the body
This is about letting the body show the mind your truth.