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Working Privately with Syv
because Y
ou matter!

Fall in Love with Yourself

You are ready to fall in love with yourself, for the first time or fall again. 

You are ready to be the creator of your own life,

the way you feel it, envision it, dream it.

You are ready to relate differently with yourself, with your body, with your desires and vision

To take responsibility for your self. 

To write new stories and a kinder self talk.

It starts in the BODY, through the body, thanks to your body. 

Your body is an mazing tool to fall in love with yourself

to come back to who you trully are

to accept & trust yourself

to write new inner talk 

and live a more expansive and fulfilling life.


   Body Storytelling with Syv gives you a map and tools

to bring a new consciousness to who you are  

It is time you put all the pieces of yourself together.


To accept everything that makes this human experience:

the light and the dark, the body and the mind, the powerful and the weak,

the exuberant and the quiet, the leader and the student,

the matter and the energy.

Time to feel one.

You are a lot more than who you are now.


Can you imagine how it’d feel to stop feeling overwhelmed, fearful, confused, trapped in your beliefs & thoughts, and start knowing your patterns, transforming your thoughts, upgrading your inner wiring, feeling empowered.


How it would  feel if you stop being in constant pain and start living in a healthy, pain-free body


Can you imagine how it’d feel if you stop rejecting yourself or your body and start accepting the powerful being you are and the incredible & wise body you have.


How it would feel if you stop living in the old paradigm and start recalibrating to the new grander version of yourself, write new stories about yourself that are kinder, more supportive & expansive. 


This is not a dream or a far off reality.

I am well aware that transformation may take months… and it could happen right away.

Transformation, like healing, is not a linear process. It defies the logic, our reasoning, what we were taught. 


In my experience, transformation, like healing is actually SIMPLE. Sometimes it comes fast and with ease, other times with more detours in ups & downs. But it is rather simple. 

Each step compounds itself. Each opened door facilitates the next upgrade and healing. 

Self-awareness, Remembering and Dedication are incredibly freeing and empowering. 


to fall in LOVE with yourself again


Welcome to your 1:1 with Syv



The space, the time, the tools and practices

for your own transformation to bloom



7 live sessions of 60-minute each 

+ the Body Storytelling Map

+ A toolbox of guided embodiment practices, shamanic journeys, rituals, breath work, guided meditations, PDF workbooks of reflection and integration, and more, all customised to your needs. 

$888 or 2x $500


I am bringing 11 years of experience of embodiment to you.
Your body is waiting to give you the answers you’ve been looking for.
Through Body Storytelling
, you will release what needs to be let go of, invite and embody new realities. And (re)discover the precious guide you constantly have with you: your body

When I started to remember my essence, 
to remember that I am LOVE,
to accept fully my humanness and 
love my body

I came closer to a profound sense of being more complete,
and I opened myself to a vast expansiveness.

So let's start. A whole new you is waiting for you. 



“Syv tailor-made every session according to my needs. Not only does she feels and understands me very well, she "prescribes" many different "solutions" for me to guide me on how I can empower myself, tap into my innate resources, listen to my body wisdom and more... After the coaching sessions with Syv, I even passed my driving test!!


Syv is very very special. She is teaching with her real experiences, so I can feel how authentic it is. The techniques she has taught me have been very effective. But most important because she has fought through the ebbs of life very bravely & intensely, confronted and heal her inner self, and thus she can fully and truly feel me. That to me is the MOST precious and MOST powerful. "

Arakah Guo Sin

" You Matter "

private 1:1 with Syv

You are ready to take a step towards

loving yourself. 


Welcome back to your true self




$888 or 2x $500

-> Contact Syv to decide on a starting day

A transformative personal exploration 


to bring more awareness in your mind​


to hear the wisdom of your body & soul


to shine your Greatness

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